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I am writing you in regard to one of your products, the Micro+Tech tool. I was recently deployed to Afghanistan. On April 15, 2012 we were attacked by insurgents. During the firefight our barracks were burned down.

I always carry my everyday carry gear which consist of a Swiss Army Knife, cuff key, micro titanium pry bar and your Micro+Tech. Well during the attack I forgot to grab my stuff and we lost everything. Over the next couple of days we sifted through the remains of our barracks. Not much there at all. However, I did find the Micro+Tech. With a little elbow grease and some WD-40 and it’s back in order. All other tools had to be replaced. I have pictures if there is a email address for you guys.

I just wanted to say that after going through that and surviving, it shows the quality of product you put out. After this, I am a lifelong customer.

Thanks for great products and keep up the good work.
SSGt Troy A. Green

For my entire life I have been on the search for the perfect pocket tool. I have purchased literally dozens of screwdriver/pliers/knife combos varying in weight from one ounce to 10 oz. They have all let me down. Being of low quality and bending, breaking, or dulling under even normal use. Then, about a year ago I found the Swiss+Tech pocket tool (original) in a local outdoors store. I bought it, and I haven't looked back since. Now, I haven't used it to save my life, or deactivate a bomb, but I have used it virtually every day of my life to do the little things that you "always wish you had a tool for." I use it for everything from computer assembly/disassembly to light car work. I have put this tool under incredible loads that would literally destroy every other multi tool that I own. It easily survives every test I have put it under without a scratch. I write this to let all of you other tool people out there know, it’s truly the best.
Tom Clardy
Hummelstown, PA

I want to share a story on the effectiveness of the Swiss-Tech tool (original flavour). Driving through the snow in Quebec between Trois-Rivieres and Montreal, the car I found myself in started making a droning, grinding blare. We pulled over to find the front bumper, that had struck one too many parking blocks and snow banks, rubbing the driver side tire. When I asked the driver, a non-tech type, for his tool box, I figured his answer when a half-witted look overtook his countenance. I thought to myself "[insert expletive here]." But, in my pocket, where my little tool has lived for its entire life, was the Swiss-Tech. A few Phillips screws later, a quarter of the bumper was removed. Running the Flat screwdriver through the cheap plastic shell, I created a groove; next I found a length of framing wire long enough to lash the bumper through a rust hole in the wheel well (the hole having been "accidentally" enlarged, again using the Phillips). A twist here, a snip there, most of the screws back in place...Good as new. We drove off, through the snow, both overjoyed I had a "toolbox" in my pocket. Thanks
Robert L. Raymond
London, Ontario Canada

The utili-key saved my life...without it, I could have been caught in a burning car. I used it to cut my seat belt off after a serious accident. The car didn't catch on fire, but the possibility was there. Thank you for making such a useful tool. It also makes me feel like James Bond :-)
Brent Maxwell
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